Why should you use us?


We're always
happy to help

We're experts in leather. We love leather. With over 20 years experience, we believe we have the knowledge to provide the best advice in any given situation.


Shops, factories and
franchises all over!

2015 saw our very first retail store. This was opened by the Lord Mayor of Hull. Situated in the centre of Hull, City of Culture 2017.

We also have several franchises & factories located around the UK. Our latest franchise was opened up in France!

Love your leather

With our products, expert leather advice and a little patience. We'll help you, to help care for your leather. It's like skin, it needs looking after. Why not restore your items to it's former glory?


Save money
leather is expensive

Good quality leather is expensive. Replacing your damaged items, is expensive. If you look after it, with our products you can extend the life of any of your leather items.

Care for your leather
like you care for your skin.
It will love you forever.
